Mercury Includes Free Roadside Assistance

Let it Tow by derrickcollins on FlickrFrom the Free-is-Good Department

Mercury Insurance now includes automatic Roadside Assistance Coverage to all policy holders at no charge.

Roadside Assistance Coverage is provided up to a limit of $75 for each occurrence for vehicles with Collision coverage and includes the following services: Towing, Locksmith Services, Jump-Start, Flat Tire, Fuel and Fluid delivery. They do limit the coverage to 5 occurrences per policy period.

For more information, just call us.

Young Adults Making Gains in Health Coverage in 2011 group, the “young invincibles”, have for a very long time been one group that was most averse to health coverage. That apparently has changed, as the attached article point out. Perhaps as a result of awareness from the administration’s reform efforts? One of the big problems with making health coverage has always been the healthy people. It takes healthy people paying into the system “just in case” to spread the cost of health coverage out.

Young Adults Make Gains in Health Insurance Coverage

6 Steps for Parents to Deter Teen Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving by OregonDOT on FlickrDistracted driving is a major cause of injury and death in motor vehicle accidents. The following information from theUSDOT Distracted Driving Website details steps that parents can take to help reduce this problem.

Step 1: Set a good example

Kids learn from their parents. Put down your phone while driving and only use it when you’ve safely pulled off the road. According to the Pew Research Center, 40 percent of teens 12 to 17 say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put themselves or others in danger.

Step 2: Talk to your teen

Discuss the risks and responsibilities of driving, and the danger of dividing their attention between a cell phone and the road. Show them the statistics related to distracted driving. And urge them to talk to others; friends take care of friends.

Step 3: Establish ground rules

Set up family rules about not texting or talking on a handheld cell phone while behind the wheel. Enforce the limits set by your state’s graduated licensing program, if one exists, or create your own family policies.

Step 4: Sign a pledge

Have your teen take action by agreeing to a family contract about wearing safety belts and not speeding, driving after drinking, or using a cell phone behind the wheel. Agree on penalties for violating the pledge, including paying for tickets or loss of driving privileges.

Step 5: Educate yourself

Find out more about this tragic problem. View the information and resources available at and The more you know, the more you will understand the seriousness of the issue.

Step 6: Spread the word

Get involved in educating and promoting safe driving in your community and through online social-media websites. Talk to friends, family, and coworkers. And support advocacy organizations such as the National Organizations for Youth Safety and FocusDriven.

Why do I need Auto Insurance?

It’s the law

You are required by law to show financial responsibility, which is usually done by purchasing insurance. This is to protect the other people who share the road with you.

Protecting yourself financially is smart

You as a driver of a motor vehicle are responsible for the accidents you cause. Having no insurance or inadequate insurance isnotsmart. People often look at the money they paid for their unused insurance as “wasted”. I think that’s the wrong way to look at it. I like to view insurance as this guy with a bag of money who promises to use it if needed. You’re paying to keep that guy interested in keeping his promise.


Liability is usually divided into two categories: Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Bodily Injury covers injuries to others (not you or your passengers) while Property Damage covers damages to things such as other people’s cars, their garage door, their tree and so on. Usually it is written down like this: 15/30/10, which means $15,000 in Bodily Injury coverage per person, $30,000 per accident, and $10,000 in Property Damage per accident. This happens to be the current minimum liability limits that California law requires. It’s also too low. $10,000 is all that would be paid out if you totalled a car. Now, how many new cars can be had for $10,000? The owner of the car will expect you to make up the difference. We always try to get customers to at least increase their coverage to 25/50/25, which is a good increase in coverage for a small amount of money.

Frequently, we are asked what an appropriate amount of insurance would be. Unfortunately, there is really no correct answer. One could always imagine an accident that would exceed a particular amount of insurance. The idea is to set a limit that is comfortable from the standpoint of protection versus cost.

Uninsured Motorist (UM)

Some of our clients try to skimp on this coverage however we discourage it. After all, it is the only coverage to protectyouand yourpassengers. In California, as many as 1 in 6 drivers may be uninsured. In addition, there is also Underinsured Motorist coverage which for California is combined with UM. This provides protection for injuries to your or your passengers when the other driver doesn’t haveenoughinsurance.


Comprehensive coverage is sometimes called “other than collision” and covers damage to the vehicle for causes such as fire, theft, windstorm, flood, and vandalism, but not loss by collision or upset.


Collision coverage is for damage to a vehicle due to colliding with another vehicle/object or overturning. One way of remembering what is covered by Collision versus Comprehensive is this: If you drive into a tree, that is collision. If the tree falls on your car, then Comprehensive would be the coverage involved.

Medical Payments

This is an optional (and very inexpensive) coverage for the insured and passengers. It usually has a lower limit but is paid out regardless of fault.

They Dropped Their Flood Insurance, Then the ‘Mouse’ Roared

Many people are tempted to drop their flood insurance when it is no longer required by the bank. However the risk is still there, just reduced. When your home is moved on the map to a lower-risk zone the pricing for flood insurance is much lower too.